
It's started!

The first theme has been announced, the crafts are up, and the voting has started.

Go check it out and vote for your favorite.


A New Adventure...

I'm sorry I've been slacking a little bit on this blog. I've been setting up my newest adventure. I'm really excited about this one.

It's "So You Think You Can Dance" for craft bloggers. I've got 10 AMAZING crafters that will be competing head-to-head in 10 challenges. Each weeks the winners craft will be made into a tutorial, but the loser will be sent home. Here's the fun part. Each week there will be a poll where you will vote for the best! You will choose the winner. It all starts on November 2nd when the first theme will be announced. Head on over to the site to check out the crafters.


Sewing Table

This past weekend I helped my brother clean out his garage. We had a load of garbage that needed to go to the dump. As we were unloading, the couple in the truck next to us threw a gorgeous little vanity/desk onto the ground.

When I saw it soaring through the air, I thought it was missing the drawers which was no biggy, I could just use baskets. So I got up the nerve and asked the lady if I could have it. She said of course and that the drawers were even in the pile of junk somewhere. YAY! I jumped up and down and giggled, literally.

Unfortunately, this drew the attention of the mean dump man that told me I wasn't allowed to take it because it had touched the ground and was now company property. After I mutely told him what I thought about the company and made a pretty mean face at him, he said he would just turn his head. Long story short I'm now the proud owner of a cute little desk.

It was originally going to be for my daughter, but then I was reminded of this goal. I am now one step closer. At least now I have a sewing desk.


It was pretty banged up and had paint chipped all over. It was also really dirty. Stuff was splattered on it and there were so many spiderwebs I had to give myself a pep talk to touch it. But after a few coats of paint and my cute little orphan chair {the chair doesn't tuck in all the way, but I kinda like it hanging out like that}, I think it looks pretty nice. I was so excited I forgot to take the picture right away and started on a quilt.


Total Cost:
Desk: free!
Paint: free! {glidden giveaway}


Kitchen Window Shades

Our landlords left some straw roman shades for the back windows in the kitchen. They looked nice in there...until I painted the room yellow. Then they just looked like they glowed. Too much yellow.

So I decided to stain them. I went and bought some Minwax stain that matched the table tops and had at it. You have to remember to brush with the brush horizontal first, then turn it vertical to fill in all the cracks. I even stained the cords to match.

Then I hung it in our grage door runners for 8 hours to dry.

I got my husband to help me hang them back up. I think they look a lot better against the wall color now. What do you think?

Total Cost:
$6 for stain

Half Bath

Our apartment is a typical townhouse style layout with a half bath off the kitchen. It was an easy fix. I already thought the paint was nice so no need to change that.

I just added the red and yellow towels we got for our wedding, a $5 rod iron thing from a garage sale and a dead flower in a cute yellow vase {i went on vacation and the flower died :( sad day}.

Total Cost:


Coffee Table Desk

When my husband and I moved to this apartment, we decided to sell our computer desk. We couldn't use the extra room for an office anymore thanks to our new little one, and the desk was too big for our kitchen {where we decided it would have to go}. Fortunately I had a coffee table table that we haven't been using that was the perfect profile.

I forgot before pictures. Here is the side table from the same set so you can get an idea of what it looked like.

Unfortunately it is a coffee table, not a computer desk. Here's how I fixed the problem. I took the base off and headed to Lowes...then Home Depot...then a local place. Did you know that unfinished table legs are like $12 a leg! I refused to spend that much. As soon as I got home I checked craigslist. They had a table that had legs exactly like my kitchen table. The whole table was only $10 and the seller lived 3 blocks away! I couldn't believe it.

I ripped the legs off, painted them cream to match our kitchen table then glued them on. I also had to buy some wood for the frame. I just had Home Depot cut them for me.

Since I don't have clamps, I used our handy-dandy cinder blocks as weights while the glue was drying.Wait a few hours and TA DA!

Here's the before {we were using a folding dinner tray}:

And the much better after {it looks like it belongs in my kitchen}:

Cost Break Down:
paint: free! {Glidden giveaway a few months ago}
wood for frame: $6 cut
table legs: $10 for 4
table top: free! {already had}
= $16

Not too shabby I'd say.


Step One...Paint the Walls

We have awesome land lords. Before we even moved in, they let us come in and paint the walls. She had beautiful colors up, but they weren't really my style. We decided only to do the kitchen, living room and hallways.

The kitchen was a burnt orange color.

I decided on a pale yellow.
{Excuse the clutter. I figured if I left the before pictures "lived in" the after pictures would be more dramatic}

The living room and hall ways/stairs were a forest green.

I went with a color called "Celery" {it looks more blue than green to me though} for the L.Room and beige for the hall.
I'm thinking this was probably the hardest part of the project. I'm so glad it's over.

Total Cost: Free!
{our land lords reimbursed us. I told you... they're awesome}